Small Business Valuation Business Information
During the small business valuation process, you need to have the right information in order for the qualified valuer to determine the valuation of your business. In the event of the business not having financial information, we recommend you employ either a bookkeeper or an accountant to prepare these. Asset Valuations Group require the following documents:
Financial Statements
We like to have at least five years’ worth of financial statements attributable to your business. If you do not have five years, we will accept less, however this can affect the value of your business.
With in the financial information, we require your current balance sheet. Most importantly, the balance sheet displays the total equity standing of the small business. Furthermore, it illustrates the business physical assets. We need this information to verify the assets along with a listing of the business asset register.
Legal Information
During our investigations, we require legal documents such as the leases, contracts in place, insurances and business registration papers.
All of this constitutes to what type of goodwill is relative to the small business valuation. We believe in three types of goodwill: personal, location and business goodwill.
Non-Financial Information
We use resources such as RP Data and Ibisworld reports to help identify the small business industry. This information also assists us with sales evidence, market evidence, and other operations of the business.
Staff and Client Information
We require staff information to work out how many levels of management there are in the small business. We also look at staff history, KPI’s and pay rates. This helps us normalise any inconsistencies on the profit and loss statements.
Moreover, we also take a look at your clients, what contracts are in place, how long they have been on board for and where they are situated. This all constitutes to the capitalisation rate and we need to apply it.