Conversely, the most common and reliable method utilised in a business valuation, with sufficient profit is The Capitalisation of Future Maintainable Earnings. Uniquely, this method determines various attributes to the business which include market evidence, a determination of the correct profit stream (PEBIT, PEBITDA, EBIT, EBITDA), financial statements and normalisation of those statements.
Also, these business valuations Sunshine Coast need to be trading for at least five years, are profitable and has future growth prospects. In addition, your accountant can provide these details.
Equally important, the Future Maintainable Earnings (FME) is used to value the majority of small and medium sized businesses. Moreover, FME takes into account Goodwill. Also, I wish to point out that Goodwill can affect the multiple either positively or negatively. In contrast, so do the business risk assessments. Furthermore, we investigate with two risk assessments.
In addition, when valuing a business, we require the following:
- Three Years Profit & Loss
- Three Years Tax Return
- Current Balance Sheet
- Asset Listing/Register
- Copies of relevant business licensing
- Copies of relevant corporate documents and contracts
- Directors individual tax returns and pay slips
- A formal interview with Directors and Managers.
Who needs a Business Valuation?
Comparatively, our valuations are independent and utilised in the following matters:
- Family and law settlements,
- merger and acquisitions,
- dispute matters,
- the Australian Tax Office,
- business sales.
As a result, Asset Valuations Group offer fixed fee business valuations that offer quality, professional and trusted reports. Similarly, Asset Valuations Group are appointed directly by the courts to handle their valuations. Notably, our valuations are comprehensive a researched based. Thus, we have been appointed by the court on numerous occasions.
Similarly, Asset Valuations Group is located all over Australia. Also, we are all registered through The Australian Valuers Institute. Furthermore, all of our Valuations follow the IVSC (International Valuation Standards Council). Likewise, if you need a specialised business valuer, we have you covered. Equally, please click below if you need our services. Furthermore, our head office is located at Level 7, 190 Edward Street, Brisbane City. Also, we are situated all over Australia. As a result, we value small, medium and large businesses.
In addition, if you require a business valuation, contact us here!
Furthermore, want to learn more, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.