An insurance valuations Brisbane assists in forming the basis of the sum insured, including the cost associated to cover the asset , whether it be a car, bike or building, in the event of a total loss. Furthermore, we follow certain methodologies and guidelines when forming a the basis of value.
Moreover, we can provide expert advice on the interpretation and implementation of all relevant Insurance Valuation requirements and standards, to give you our client the best outcome possible.
Our insurance valuations Brisbane cover the following:
- Cars, motor bikes, boats, house hold contents, goods and chattels, antiques, and even buildings.
Equally we can provide you with two types of valuations which include a Sight Seen Valuation and a Desktop Valuation. A sight seen valuation values the above assets via a complete inspection from one of our valuers. A Desktop Valuation values the goods based on information such as photographs and descriptions received from the client. Both are just as effective, yet a Desktop Valuation works out cheaper as we do not have to attend to the assets.
When compiling the valuation reports, we can use one of the following Basis of values:
- Market Value
- Market In-situe Value
- Estimated Forced Sale / Auction Value
- Salvage Value
- Insurance Value